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The President: Devil's Henchmen MC, Book Two Page 11
The President: Devil's Henchmen MC, Book Two Read online
Page 11
Sledge looked over to Reaper, giving him a glare. What was the asshole thinking, telling a child that, Sledge thought?
“He eavesdropped,” Reaper said, seeing the questioning look on Sledge’s face. “Banjo called me after you left. We still have business to discuss, you know if you are finished chasing down your woman.”
Sledge was about to tell him to fuck off, but his sister beat him to it. “Shut up! You would have done the same thing if it was me who left.”
“No, I wouldn’t have. I would have chained your ass to the bed before you had a chance to even think about leaving me.” Sledge had no doubt Reaper would have done just that. Amber must have thought so too because she started laughing and shook her head.
“Okay, enough. What did Banjo say?” Sledge asked, needing to get back to solving problems inside his club.
Reaper raised an eyebrow at him. “Speak,” Sledge ordered.
“Okay, one - I’m not a fucking dog. Just so we’re clear. Two - remember that when you wonder why we didn’t have this conversation in private,” Reaper started.
“Never mind,” Sledge sighed. “Meet in my office in ten.”
Sledge put his hand on Beth’s lower back and guided her and Derek into the clubhouse. When they were inside, he leaned into her to whisper in her ear. “Go wash that filthy motel off of you. I am going to go back and talk to Zander.”
“Okay,” she agreed. She took Derek’s hand and started walking down the hall. He didn’t want to take his eyes off of her, but he knew he had work to do.
Turning around, he walked back through the club and upstairs to his office. Closing the door behind him, he was greeted by Reaper, Diesel, and Banjo. This was not good. Sledge already knew he was not going to like what was going to be said.
“Get your ass out of my chair,” he told Banjo, walking around to his desk.
“I spend the entire day hacking and doing any number of illegal shit for you, and you won’t even give me the comfortable chair? That’s fucked up, brother!” Banjo said, pretending to be offended.
Sledge shook his head and took his seat. “So... What brings you all the way across town?” He might as well get this over with so he could figure out how to fix the problem.
“When we talked earlier, I told you I found a connection to Andrews, but it’s not in the way you think,” Banjo reminded.
“I remember. So what’s the connection?” Sledge’s interest was definitely peeked.
“Andrews has a mistress,” Banjo relayed, shocking the shit out of Sledge.
“What? Seriously?” Sledge asked, bewildered.
“Yep. But that isn’t the interesting part.”
“Please! Do tell,” Sledge was enjoying this. The more Banjo talked, the more dirt Sledge got to use as leverage against the Senator.
“Andrews’ mistress is Rebecca.”
Sledge sat there, slack jawed. Turning his head to Zander, he looked at his VP. “Did you know this?” he asked him.
“Not until Banjo told me about an hour ago,” Zander answered.
“Well, fuck me!” Sledge didn’t know what else to say.
“That’s not all of it. You asked me to look for a connection,” Banjo interrupted.
He was right, he did ask him to find one; but Rebecca had no connection to the Henchmen MC. The organization was started after she left Zander in Walter Reed, telling him he was a murderer and deserved everything he got, including the ambush that almost cost him his leg. That bitch was long gone. Honestly, he hadn’t thought about her since then, not until she showed up here a few months back looking for Zander. But he didn’t even acknowledge her when she showed up out of the blue, and he sent her on her way. Sledge couldn’t figure out any connection, and told Banjo as much.
“She isn’t technically the connection, but her cousin is,” Banjo stated.
Sledge was starting to get a headache. Banjo was stalling and Sledge wanted to know why.
“Banjo, spill it. Now! This dramatic pause bullshit is getting on my nerves.” Sledge was close to losing his patience.
“Apparently, Candy and Rebecca are cousins. It is believed that Candy has been allowing Rebecca access to the compound. Banjo thinks Rebecca is the person who broke into your office and also snuck in your room.” Diesel was the one to lay it all out there.
Placing his elbows on his desk, Sledge laid his head in his hands. This was not what he fucking needed. More puzzle pieces, when he still didn’t have the original pieces put in their places.
“Okay. Stop. What the hell is going on around here? When did my clubhouse turn into a fuck-fest?” he asked in frustration.
“Here’s what we have,” Reaper started, ignoring his outburst. “Andrews kills his gun runner for losing a truckload of money potential. The same runner that Banjo was able to link to the Mexican Cartel, that we just so happened to intercept an 18-wheeler full of drugs and guns from, two days before. Coincidence? Personally, I think not.”
“So... His daughter sees him murder someone and she runs to the man who stopped his shipment - you,” Reaper continued. “Don’t even look at me like that. I’m not saying Beth is involved,” Reaper added when Sledge was about to say something. “I’m not saying that at all. But, there are a lot of potatoes in this boiling pot.”
“Really? A food reference?” Diesel laughed.
“Well, I’m hungry,” Reaper retorted.
“Anyway. So where do Rebecca and Candy come into play?” Sledge asked.
“Rebecca is the Senator’s mistress and Candy is Rebecca’s cousin,” Diesel said, like it was obvious.
“Candy has been here for over a year. How long has Rebecca been his mistress? And again, how do they come into play?” Sledge still wasn’t getting the connection.
“That I can’t figure out. Other than their connection to Andrews, I can’t seem to determine what their roles are,” Banjo said. Sledge could tell he wasn’t happy. Banjo liked answers and when he couldn’t find them, it put him on edge.
“Okay. So concentrate on Candy and Rebecca. See if you can get anything from their phones’ GPS locations. All connections to Andrews. Is he using them for inside information? Were they ever all in the same place? There has to be something you missed. Start back at the beginning.” Sledge stood up from his chair; he needed to get back to Beth. “Here, you can even have my comfortable chair,” he offered as he walked to the door.
“Where are you going?” Reaper called.
“I have other business to take care of,” Sledge called as he walked out of the door.
“I think this is more important than getting your dick wet,” Diesel hollered, as Sledge closed the office door behind him.
Maybe, but he needed to know Beth was still here. Since she played a Houdini on him, he was having a hard time concentrating. Maybe he should just bring her to the office. That would solve his problem, but did he really want her to know all the sordid details of this investigation? In frustration, he walked across the lot and into the house.
Chapter Twenty-Two
The moment she walked into the clubhouse, a sense of home filled her. This place had become her sanctuary, her real home. Her house had never made her feel a true sense of welcome. It was amazing what a few days in another place could do to the soul. But, Beth was worried about building a solid connection to this place. What if Sledge didn’t want something permanent? He had called her his woman several times, but Beth had no idea what that actually meant. Maybe she could ask Amber. Heading for Derek’s bedroom, the two of them decided some popcorn and TV was in order. A perfect way to spend the evening. But no matter how involved she got with the latest show, her mind would wander back to Devin. She really needed to talk to Amber. Beth knew her friend could help her shine some light on things she didn’t understand.
A knock pulled her out of her thoughts, and the very woman she was thinking about walked through the door. “I was just thinking about you,” Beth told her.
“Oh really?
Good thoughts I hope,” Amber replied.
“Of course, silly!” Beth laughed.
Amber rushed over to her and gave her a tight hug. “You scared the shit out of me.” Hitting Beth on the shoulder, Amber crossed her arms, “Never do that again!” she demanded.
Beth watched as tears started to fall from Amber’s eyes. “Oh no, please don’t cry.”
“I’m not crying. You’re crying,” Amber said sarcastically, wiping her face.
Beth hugged her friend again, “I am so sorry, Amber. I never meant to scare you, or anyone. I just thought that if I left, maybe my father would follow and all the people I love wouldn’t be in danger.”
“I understand that. I really do. But Beth, you have to know that being here, in the clubhouse, is the safest place for you,” Amber explained. “Nobody would let anything happen to you here. Think of it like this...,” Amber paused searching for the right words. “Here, Devin is the King. That makes you the Queen. Everyone protects the Queen.”
“That’s the thing, Amber. I don’t know if I am the Queen. I don’t know what I am to Devin,” Beth told her, looking to see that Derek wasn’t paying any attention to them. “I don’t know if I am just the mother of his son, the woman he sleeps with.”
“Bitch, please!” Amber laughed. “You’re his woman.”
“But what does that even mean?” Beth said in irritation. She had been called that more times than she could count, but had no idea what that even meant.
“It means, you are his in every way that counts,” Amber told her. “It means that you are above everyone else. You are his Queen.”
Beth flopped down on Derek’s bed, letting out an exhausted breath. She really didn’t know much of anything about the motorcycle club world.
“Beth, my brother loves you. Mind, body, heart, and soul. There is nothing he wouldn’t do for you. Let him handle your dad. Devin is built for that shit. You are not.” Beth could see the sincerity in Amber’s eyes. She knew she was telling the truth.
“I love him too, more than anything. But how could I let him live with the knowledge that he killed my father just to protect me?” Beth honestly didn’t know how he would handle that.
“Honey, your father isn’t the first person my brother has had in his sights. And I promise, he will not be the last. The important question is, can you live with him knowing what he would be willing to do to keep you safe?” Amber questioned in return.
“Yes,” Beth answered without hesitation. She lost the love she had for her father a long time ago. Eight years ago, to be exact, when he forced her to walk away from the only man she ever loved. Then add to it all the things she had learned recently. There was no love left between them.
“Then that is all that matters. Devin won’t allow you to take care of this. You are not cut out to kill someone. That image would live with you for the rest of your days. Let Devin and the Henchmen handle this. Please, Beth,” Amber begged.
“Okay.” A knock on the door stopped any further conversation. “Come in,” Amber called.
Candy peeked her head around the door, surprising both women. “What do you want?” Amber asked.
“Us girls heard that Beth was back, I wanted to come and make sure she was okay,” Candy replied.
“Thank you, Candy. I am perfectly fine. You can let the girls know there is no reason to worry about my safety.” Beth knew the bitch was full of shit. Something about her put Beth on edge, and judging from Amber’s reaction, she wasn’t the only one.
“Is there anything I can get you? Water? Something to eat?” Candy asked.
“No, thank you though,” Beth declined.
“Oh, Okay. Well see you around,” Candy stammered before leaving the room and closing the door behind her.
“Okay that was weird,” Amber said once they were alone.
“Yeah it was. I don’t like that woman. Something about her makes my skin crawl.”
“Mine too!” Amber responded.
“As Queen, can I banish her to the dungeon?” Beth asked, her voice completely serious.
“I wish! But unfortunately, we don’t have a dungeon,” Amber laughed.
“First act as Queen - have a dungeon built,” Beth laughed. Both women fell back on the bed giggling like school girls.
This was exactly what Beth needed to calm her nerves. Good laughs with a good friend. The only thing missing was Devin, but she knew he was busy.
“I’m hungry,” Amber said suddenly.
“Let’s go find something to eat. I’m starving too,” Beth agreed. “Derek, let’s go find something for dinner.”
Pausing his movie, Derek joined the ladies and walked to the kitchen. “Go take a seat. I’ll make you a sandwich,” Beth told her son.
“What do you want? Ham or turkey?” Amber called from the fridge.
“Black forest ham. Oh and don’t forget the cheese,” Beth said as she grabbed the bread and pulled out enough slices for everyone.
“Chips,” called Derek from his dad’s chair.
After making sandwiches for all of them, and grabbing the chips, Beth and Amber sat on either side of Derek and ate their lunch.
“So, when your dad is ready to retire, are you going to take over the club Derek?” Amber asked.
“Is that really how it works?” Beth asked.
“I think so. Zander and I talked about it a little bit. He said that by rights, now that Derek is here, he would inherit the club.”
“But what if he doesn’t want it?” Beth asked. She had so much to learn about MC life.
“Then it would go to Zander again. But, honestly, we both are hoping that one of your kids will want it,” Amber confessed.
“Kids?” Beth questioned. “I only have one.”
“For now,” Amber replied with a grin. Beth had confided in her that she and Devin had never used protection. As of today, she was three days late. She was on birth control though, so Beth was thinking maybe the stress of everything was messing up her cycle.
“I could do it. I could be just like my dad,” Derek said in a deep voice, trying to mimic his father.
He had them laughing so hard. They spent the next hour sitting in the kitchen, listening to Derek’s horrible imitations of Devin. So lost in the fun they were having, they never noticed the shadow that lurked by the doorway. Or the pictures that were snapped silently.
Chapter Twenty-Three
Walking into the clubhouse, Sledge could hear laughter coming from the kitchen. He knew those voices. They belonged to the three most important people in his life - his woman, his son, and his sister.
As he stepped closer to the door, he heard Derek say, “I don’t care what you have to do, find me answers.”
“Oh my Lawdy!” Amber exaggerated. “That was the worse impression of your dad that you have done so far,” she laughed.
“I thought it was pretty good,” Sledge said, as he walked through the doorway.
He laughed out loud when all three faces turned in his direction, with guilty looks.
“She made me do it!” Derek shouts, pointing at Amber.
“Snitch,” she mumbles under her breath.
Shaking his head, Sledge made his way over to the counter to make himself something to eat, then joined his family at the table.
“Do you want your seat, Dad?” Derek asked, rising from his position at the head of the table.
“Nope. You stay right there. I am just going to sit right here next to Mom,” Sledge answered.
Devin looks up from his sandwich. “What’s up, buddy?”
“When you retire from leading the club, do I have to take your place?” he inquired.
Looking between Beth and Amber, Sledge wasn’t sure where or why this question had come up. But he answered his son honestly, “Not necessarily. If you want it, then as the oldest boy, it is yours. If you decide you don’t, then it will either go to a younger sibling or to Uncle Zander.”
Nodding his head, Derek went back to eating. Sledge raised a questioning brow to Amber.
“Beth and I were talking. Derek, of course sitting between us, overheard the conversation,” Amber explained.
“Ah okay.” Sledge thought that made more sense than just popping up out of nowhere.
“Mom, I’m getting tired. Can I go to my room and get ready for bed?” Derek asked.
“Why don’t we wait for dad to finish eating. Then we can all go get ready for bed. Dad and I will tuck you in and tonight, dad can tell you a bedtime story.”
Derek glanced over at Sledge with a hopeful look on his face. “Will you tell me a story tonight, Dad?”
“Absolutely!” Sledge told him around the bite of food in his mouth.
The happiness that spread across Derek’s face did something to Sledge. He knew from that moment that he would spend the rest of his life reading bedtime stories if it meant seeing that look every night. Pure bliss. How something so small could bring someone so much joy, Sledge didn’t understand. But he would take it.
Finishing his meal, he stood up to take his trash to the can. “Come on, buddy. Let’s go get you in bed.”
The group walked out of the door, saying goodnight to Amber. They made their way to Derek’s room. “Go hop in the shower,” Beth told their son, once they were inside.
“Do I have to?” Derek whined.
“Yes,” both Sledge and Beth said in unison.
Watching their son walk into the bathroom, Beth grabbed his pajamas and took them into the room while Sledge folded his covers down.
“Don’t forget to wash your hair,” Beth called as she made her way back into the bedroom.
Laughing, Sledge wrapped his arms around her. He missed holding her, touching her. He didn’t think he would ever get enough of it, even if he lived to be a hundred. This woman was his world.
“How was your meeting?” she asked.
“We’ll talk about that later, after we get Derek to bed. Banjo was able to find out quite a bit, but at the same time, not enough,” he told her, frustrated that so many dots were still not connecting.