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The President: Devil's Henchmen MC, Book Two Page 15


  Beth was going stir-crazy. She had spent the last two weeks secluded in either the bedroom or the living room. She wanted to feel the sun on her face. So deciding it was time to head outside, she headed for the back door.

  “Where are you heading?” Devin’s voice stopped her.

  “Outside. I’m going to go sit by the pool for a while,” Beth told him.

  “Is that a good idea?” he asked.

  “Devin, if I don’t get out of this house, I am going to hurt someone.”

  “I just don’t want you to overdo it,” he explained.

  “I understand that, but I doubt sitting outside will overdo anything.”

  “Want me to go with you?” he smiled, kissing her cheek.

  “If you have time, you can,” she smiled back.

  Devin had been running around like a chicken with his head cut off since they got home from the hospital. Dealing with the aftermath of the shooting, fielding calls, and answering question after question, he barely had time to sleep in the last couple of weeks.

  “I always have time for you,” he told her. But before they could get to the door, Diesel called them to a stop.

  “What is it?” Devin asked, irritated.

  “Beth’s mother is here,” Diesel stated.

  “My mother?” Beth asked. “What the hell is she doing here?”

  “I don’t know. Do you want to find out? Or do you want me to do it?” Devin asked her.

  “Shit!” Beth grumbled. “Let’s go.”

  Walking into the living room, Beth came face-to-face with her mother. She had not heard from her since the party at her parents’ house. No call to check on her after the shooting, no call afterwards. And now, she was standing in Beth’s living room.

  “What do you want?” Beth asked her.

  “Elizabeth!” her mother chastised. “That is not how you speak to me.”

  “Oh really? And how am I supposed to speak to you?” Beth countered.

  “With respect. I am still your mother.”

  “Genetics. Jonathan was still my father, yet he had his mistress shoot me in the heart. Thankfully, she was a bad shot!” Beth fumed. “Say what you need to say, and get out of my house.”

  “House? This is not a house. This is a clubhouse for biker trash,” her mother remarked.

  Beth had already had enough. She would not allow her mother to disrespect her home. Stepping into her mother’s personal space, Beth lowered her voice, “Understand one thing, this is MY home. If you enter that door,” she said, pointing to the front entrance, “You will remain respectful to me and everyone else here. Am. I. Understood?” Beth demanded.

  “You will not speak to me that way!” her mother screamed in her face.

  “Diesel, show Mrs. Andrews the door,” Beth said, still glaring at her mother.

  “Do not touch me,” her mother spat in Diesel’s direction.

  “Ma’am, you can either go willingly, or I will carry you out. Either way, Beth has spoken. Her order will be followed. So, choose,” Diesel replied coldly.

  “I am not finished talking to you, young lady.”

  Beth let out a long sigh. Her mother would never get it. “Diesel, carry her out.” Beth turned to walk back the way she came.

  “Elizabeth! Don’t walk away from me!” her mother bellowed. “Don’t touch me!” she continued to shriek. “Elizabeth! Please! I need money. The State froze all of your father’s assets. I have nothing.”

  Beth stopped. Looking back at her mother, she said, “Not my problem,” then continued out the back door. She could still hear her mother screaming for her to return, but Beth was done.

  What kind of parent didn’t check on their child when they were near death after a gunshot wound? Who the hell did that? she thought. Her mother, that’s who.

  “Are you okay?” Devin asked when he joined her outside a few minutes later.

  “I am now. This sun feels fantastic.”

  “That’s not what I am talking about, and you know it.”

  “Yes, I’m okay,” she sighed. “At least I will be,” she amended.

  “Just so you know, because there are no secrets between us, I wrote your mother a check for five thousand. That should help her until she can find a job. I knew if she was put on the street, you would be angry with yourself.”

  Beth wanted to be angry with him for going against her, but she couldn’t be. That was the type of man Devin was. Always ready to help someone in need. He did it during his military career and still continued the same acts of kindness today. It was one of the things she loved about him. But she wouldn’t let him off the hook just yet.

  “She didn’t deserve it,” Beth replied.

  “Maybe not, but whether you like it or not, she is still your mother,” he countered.

  “Again, genetics,” Beth retorted.

  Before Devin could reply, Diesel joined them outside. Flopping down in the chair across from Beth, he glared at her.

  “What?” she asked.

  “That woman,” he said pointing the direction of the house, “Is fucking crazy. Has she always been that way?”

  “Crazy? No. A bitch? Yes,” Beth answered honestly.

  Growing up, life was always about presentation. Beth was a senator's daughter. At any given time, she was expected to play the part. Like a southern debutante. She hated it as a child, and she definitely hated it as an adult.

  “Well, she was escorted to the gate. Bitched about only getting five grand. Kept saying she couldn’t pay her bills with only five thousand, much less pay off her husband’s debts.”

  “What debts?” Devin inquired.

  “I don’t know and I don’t care,” Beth responded.

  “I do. If his debts are illegal like most of his other shit, I don’t want the collector to think they can come after you for repayment,” Devin countered.

  “I’ll call Banjo. Maybe he can find something,” Diesel said, standing and walking back inside.

  “Are you ready to go in?” Devin asked, seeing Beth yawn.

  “I think so,” Beth exhaled.

  Placing her hand in his, Beth let Devin pull her from her seat. Her wounds were healed, but sometimes she would move the wrong way and it would still hurt. The doctor told her it would be months before she was completely mended. Beth wished it would hurry. She had a wedding to plan after all.

  Chapter Thirty

  4 months later...

  “They should be back by now,” Beth complained.

  “Calm your tits, woman! They’ll be here soon,” Amber laughed.

  “Easy for you to say,” Beth replied. “Your man has been here.”

  Beth watched Amber and couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face. Kailyn Marie Parks was born two weeks ago. Zander had stayed back from the crew's latest mission because Amber was due to deliver. What started as a weeklong assignment turned into practically a month stretch. Beth missed Devin. They were supposed to be getting married in less than seven days.

  Hearing the vehicles pull up outside, Beth flung open the door. Stepping outside, she waited for Devin to exit the vehicle. Seeing his face, she felt all her worries drain away.

  Rushing into his arms, she kissed him. “Damn, I missed you,” she said.

  “I missed you too, baby. Video chats just don’t seem to be enough,” he told her.

  “Dad!” Derek came running down the stairs.

  Beth stepped to the side as Derek hugged his dad tightly. “Dang, Son! You’re nearly as tall as I am!”

  “No, I’m not,” Derek laughed.

  Together, they walked into the house. Devin kissed Amber on the forehead and grabbed Kailyn from her arms.

  “Let me see this beauty,” he cooed.

  “Let’s get this party started!” Diesel whooped, walking through the door.

  The rest of the night was a wild party. The guys were happy to be home and to celebrate Kailyn's birth. Devin was relaxed for the first time in a long while. It se
emed like after the shooting it was one club issue after another; and then the assignment came. Beth was happy to see him taking a break from being the leader. Tonight, he could just be Devin - dad, friend, and brother.

  “How did your last fitting go?” Devin asked, sliding in behind Beth.

  “It went good. My dress is all set,” she smiled. The cream-colored silk fit her form exquisitely, like it was made for her.

  “I can’t wait to see it. Of course, I can’t wait to take it off of you either,” Devin kissed his way down her neck.

  “I think someone is bumping uglies in the bathroom. Nobody takes twenty minutes to piss,” Diesel grumbled, walking towards the back door. “I have to fuckin piss!”

  Laughing, Beth looked around the room to see who was missing, but it was too hard to tell. The crew was spread out everywhere, some had already gone to bed for the night or were spending their night elsewhere.

  “Sledge!” Diesel yelled from the back door. “Get the fuck out here!”

  “What the hell,” he called, already heading for the door. Beth followed.

  She and Devin came to an abrupt stop when they both saw the bloodied woman lying in Diesel’s arms.

  “What the fuck?” Devin rushed out.

  “I don’t know. I walked out the door and she was just on the ground, just like this,” Diesel muttered. Beth could see the shock on his face.

  “Is that...” Beth cleared her throat and tried again to speak. “Is that Rachel?” she asked finally.

  “Yeah,” Diesel said, looking up at her helplessly.

  “Let’s get her in the house,” Devin ordered, “Call Ginx.”

  “Already did,” Zander said, standing behind Beth. “She is on her way.”

  “No hospitals,” Rachel begged, sitting up to grip Devin’s arm.

  “You may need to go,” Devin told her. “There may be internal damage.”

  “No! Please no,” Rachel sobbed. “I can’t go to a hospital.”

  “Okay,” Devin agreed, trying to calm her.

  “Thank you,” she whimpered, then promptly passed out, falling back against Diesel.


  Don’t miss the next book in the Devil’s Henchmen series - ‘Sergeant at Arms’.

  Marcus “Diesel” Briggs was an Army Ranger and sniper. Now, he is the ‘Sergeant at Arms’ for the Devil’s Henchmen MC. His job is to enforce the laws within the club. To ensure the safety of all members. So when one of the club girls is found broken and bloody behind the house, Diesel takes it upon himself to investigate and seek justice. Henchmen Justice.

  Rachel Moore isn’t just your average club girl. She isn’t there for the sex, or the ‘fame’ of being chosen to wear a ‘property of’ patch. As a matter of fact, she hasn’t slept with any member of the club. The only reason Rachel is there is because it’s safe. When she is surprised outside of the house, Rachel can’t help but wonder if her past has finally caught up to her?

  Diesel has to earn Rachel’s trust before she will let her guard down to tell him who hurt her. But can she? She trusted once and it destroyed her... Can she take that chance again? Diesel is willing to do anything to keep Rachel safe, even if that means opening his own closet for her to view his demons.


  Samantha McCoy spends her days playing taxi driver and refereeing her last two remaining teenagers at home. Both of which she home schools. A mother of three, she stays fairly busy. Samantha lives in the beautiful Texas Hill Country, right off of Lake Buchanan. When she doesn’t have her nose buried in a book, either reading or creating; she can be found working long hours on Books and Babes Promotions, a company and blog she started after witnessing the struggles of many new writers and models in the Indie Industry.

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  and her upcoming releases,

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